Maintaining Productivity During Manufacturing Shifts: Insights from an Upstate SC Staffing Firm

Maintaining Productivity During Manufacturing Shifts: Insights from an Upstate SC Staffing Firm

Manufacturing as a whole is undergoing a period of rapid change, and companies in Upstate South Carolina are not immune. These shifts can be highly disruptive, but there are ways to maintain productivity. From an Upstate South Carolina firm, here are some insights.

Challenges to Productivity

As the manufacturing industry continues to evolve, keep an eye out for these common situations that can hinder your company’s productivity if not properly prepared for:

  • New technologies. The manufacturing industry has gone digital in more ways than ever before. From automation to AI, new technologies can bring steep learning curves. Some employees may even quit, feeling that their skills no longer align with their job duties.
  • Changing consumer demand. The recent pandemic showed that outside events can rock consumer demand in absolutely unpredictable ways. But even more common factors like economic worries or shifting priorities can also impact demand. If you’re not ready for these changes, you could be caught flat-footed.
  • Supply chain transformations. JIT (Just in time) delivery was supposed to be the wave of the future, until hopelessly snarled supply chains showed its limitations. Whatever logistics you are currently using, always have a backup plan.

Strategies to Maintain Productivity

Fortunately, there are proactive steps you can take to maintain productivity even in times of rapid change. These include:

  • Upskilling and reskilling. Help your team members achieve success by offering them the training they need to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. Offer tuition reimbursement or hold on-site classes to help them earn additional certifications. Train them on the new tools and technologies you implement. The more educated they are on what’s going on around them, the more productive they will be.
  • Utilizing temporary staffing. When demand suddenly spikes, or you need an expert in a new tool, or you decide to expand into a new line of business, temporary staffing can help. You can bring in just the number of workers you need, for only the amount of time you need to cover. This gives you the flexibility to quickly scale up or down and more easily weather the shifting landscape.
  • Developing predictive workforce planning and future-proofing strategies. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a crystal ball to accurately predict what’s coming next? While that isn’t possible, there are now powerful predictive software tools specifically designed for the manufacturing industry. You can crunch a lot of historical and real-time data almost instantly, allowing you to better plan for upcoming challenges.

Contact Phillips Staffing Today

Are you looking for new short-term or long-term employees? Phillips Staffing has been serving Upstate South Carolina for 55 years and we’d love to learn more about your business and its current staffing needs. Contact our Greenville corporate office to learn how we can help!

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